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About Us

Welcome to: Somehow I Manage

A blog for aspiring and current project managers to learn more about Agile Project Management while developing their skills as a leader.

Some readers of this blog may be extremely well-versed in the concepts in Agile, while others may be just starting their journey to become a better manager and leaders. Because of this fact, this blog caters to both the beginner, and advanced tech manager.




What is Agile Project Management?

To answer this question, we first need to explore what Agile is. Agile started back in the early 1990s as a method decrease the lag time between business’ request of an application, and the actual delivery of that application.











The frustrating wait times led leaders in the software development industry to come up solution to team management and organization. During the meeting of these leaders, the “Agile Manifesto.” This writing contained 12 core principles for project management and development.

Today, Agile is used in many projects outside of just software development. IT leaders throughout the nation use Agile methodology to lead support their projects.




Agile project management is a method for managing projects that relies on the ability to adapt throughout the course of the project. Agile Projects follow many other rules, but the main characteristics of Agile Projects, is the ability for them to shift at anytime and still turn out to be a success.

The picture below explains the difference between Traditional Projects, and Agile Projects

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