Taiga is an agile project management tool that is useful for both Kanban and Scrum. It offers project teams the ability to create user stories, tasks, and issues logs. It is open source meaning that users can use, change, and distribute the software. This allows for users to take documents and information that they uploaded on to the software with them if they decide to change to another project. When creating a project, after naming it, you are greeted with the ability to add a description of the project that you created, and a timeline of the changes made to the project. You can then navigate to different tabs using the sidebar, such as Epics, Scrum, Kanban, and Issues. Scrum and Kanban are used to create user stories that you can drag and drop in priority and where they are in the process of creation. This is useful for teams to keep track of Works in Progress (WIP) and not have too many tasks happening at once. Epics are used to break up parts of the project into tasks that can also be dragged and dropped and can be assigned to group members. While issues list the severity, type, and description of issues that arise throughout the project and if they have been solved or not. Issues allows for teams to view problems that need to be solved and what priority that the problem is to work in an effective manner to solve the most crucial problems for the project first.

When creating your first project it will ask your experience level with agile methodology:
If you select first-time user, it will give you an overview of Kanban and guide you through project creation.
Once finished with this it will offer other tutorials, such as user story creation, Kanban boards, setting up roles, and inviting members.
Positive comments and tips when working through the tutorials
Has demo projects for Kanban and Scrum that you can view
Walks you step by step through these projects to help you understand them and how to use them yourself.
Well, laid out help center that offers help documents and an FAQ
Offers a lot of features that a team can use including integration with websites such as GitHub, GitLab, Webhooks, and more.
Ability to customize and personalize projects
Presented in an aesthetically pleasing way
The ability to export your data if you decide you want to stop using Taiga
There are a lot of features, which is overwhelming at first
It would take time for a team to understand all the features available and be able to implement them into their project effectively
Clicked on a link to a scrum tutorial and it said I did not have access to the page
It also closed me out of the tutorial, and I had to find it again
Some of the links on the help page are confusing as the navigation bar has taiga and taiga.io as links
Taiga sends you to an example project, whereas taiga.io sends you to the homepage
Could not find tutorials after viewing/completing them
Many features are not highlighted in the tutorials
Such as the ability to list issues with type, severity, and priority
Overall Review
There are many agile project management tools on the market, and I have not been one to test enough of them to give the best of reviews on this one, but from my testing and exploring of the website so far, I think that this is a pretty good one for a small to medium team to use to collaborate. It offers a good tutorial and demo projects for new users to get the basics features of the website but allows for learning and testing to find more features that can help the team. This means that teams can get into the thick of things working and collaborating together. It presents everything in a pleasant and professional manner to allow customization for teams to personalize projects. It also presents information and the ability to customize in an aesthetically pleasing way. Many of the feature are straight forward and I believe it would not take teams long to get a good handle on how this tool could help them plan and organize their project. With agile it is important for teams to get over the hurdle of using new software quickly and I believe that Taiga offers great tutorials, tips, and demo projects to help new teams collaborate with ease. Overall, I think this website would be a good collaborative tool for an inexperienced team for online project management tools to begin to work with and learn about these tools and since it offers the ability to export your data you could move to a higher-level tool later once the team has a better understanding of the tools available.